This is the purpose of the doctor to win his patient’s trust that comes to his clinic every day. A doctor has an accurate diagnosis, the right treatment and treatment so that patients go beyond the disease, disorders and eliminate the pain that patients have experienced. As a patient, it is our duty to trust our doctors with our lives and well-being. But how can we check whether the doctor we visited feasures to gain our trust? Here are some tips for checking your doctor’s competencies and reliability.
1. Hospital affiliates are your best guide for what fellow doctors think about your own doctor. It is not possible for doctors to function competently unless he is on staff one or more hospitals available for their patients. An experienced doctor will be in staff at least one hospital accredited by the Philippine Medical Association. You have the right to ask the doctor about the affiliate hospital and to ensure an accredited hospital. Check with the hospital itself or the country’s medical community.
2. Age. In itself, there is no barrier to the highest professional skill level. Some of the best doctors in this country are men aged seventies. However, as general rules, elderly, doctors feel more difficult to follow the latest information. Also a weakness because the failure of vision or hearing or trembling hands is a clear signal of danger. It might be cruel to tell good human avoidance that has grown old in service of his colleagues. But even simple injections or insertion of anal thermometer can cause serious injury if done by hand that loses their skills.
3. Carelessness. This can be dangerous like ignorance. One way to see careless doctors is with failure to compile a thorough case history on you. Another is the use of penicillin, cortisone, or other strong drugs without the previous examination, be careful on whether you might be allergic to it. Beware of doctors who do not give you the right and appropriate instructions on how to use prescribed drugs and when to stop using it. Suspecting a doctor that allows you to prescribe yourself.
4. There is no definite way to see a doctor alcohol, but if you have expected that your doctor drinks too much, carefully. He is unreliable and tends to be bent only when you need it most. Alcohol signs (but also imperfect) are: runny eyes, blood vessels that break above and around the nose, and clumsy hands.
5. Severe emotional disorders of each type that can disrupt the efficiency of the doctor. But most are no clear signs. Your doctor can be so disturbed so that he has used narcotics and you may never realize something that disturbs him. If you recognize severe personality disorders, however, you must be aware that it can easily interfere with you receiving the best medical treatment.
6. Always suspicious of surgery. In terms of surgical emergencies (such as broken attachments) needs, of course, clear; There is no time to ask. Where there is no emergency, don’t let yourself in a hurry. Insist on the second, independent diagnosis; No good doctor will hate it. Has added trust in the surgeon who insisted that you go to the hospital for “observation” – a diagnostic laboratory test period to check his opinion about whether an operation is really needed.
If you think you have a legitimate reason for complaining about the medical care you have received, send a letter to your country’s medical community, which expresses the fact clearly and asks for an investigation. The medical profession is just worried about unhealthy doctors like you.
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